Der Krieg schläft unterm Apfelbaum / War sleeps under an appel tree

The war, it’s not dead, it’s just sleeping
It lies there under the apple tree and just sleeps, it’s just sleeping

Rio Reiser

a performative experimental arrangement that deals with the Nazi era and the consequences of the Second World War in reunified Germany in a theatrical, participatory space.

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Film collaborations…

In my childhood, my parent’s support for my musical learning often resulted in my spontaneous compositions and various improvisations being featured in their films. With my mother, I played harmonica and sang for “Faille” and made my debut on the monochord/Dan Bao on the “Ho” soundtrack. With my father, I played my first harp improvisation on a workshop’s film.

I know that their support is always present and today, I continue to collaborate with them as well as with the artists who gravitate around the Polygone Étoilé.

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This collaboration ended in november 2021.

The Freikraken duo wishes to celebrate the beauty of traditional European songs and explore both their diversity and similarities. Morgane Neplaz and Bianca Guitton sing together in many different languages and use harp and percussions to accompany themselves, inspired by both traditional and contemporary styles. With good humour and playfulness, they offer a poetic and interactive experience, gladly involving dance, poetry and theatre.

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Une nuit de pleine Lune (A full moon night)

A performance imaginated by Anais Poulet, with the participation of

  • Camera : Laura Lukitsch, Benoit Guidi
  • Lights : Antoine Fatoux, Jules Bourret
  • Sound : Nicolas G-Waisfish
  • Referral process : Anaïs Poulet
  • Catering : Céleste Ascar, Candide Mouis, Elsa Ferret, Tingting
  • Performers : Léonie Schütt, Kévin Yvars, Marko, Aziz Boumediene, Elsa Ferret, Chloé David, Marion Ruault, Mathias Richard, Lou Montezin, Morgane Neplaz, Tina Hype, Evelise Mendes, Manon Trompowski, Ladji Aboubacar Yattabari

The artists embarked on this adventure first took part in an open-air laboratory, an expedition, a night of improvisations and performances, from sunset to sunrise in the Fort of Ratonneau on the island of Frioul in October 2017.

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Three Corbies

This collaboration stopped in November 2021

Leander Reininghaus: Guitar, basse, vocals, drums and effects
Bianca Guitton: Vocals, keyboard, drums and effects
Morgane Neplaz: Vocals, harp, frame drum

This French-German trio based in Berlin brings traditional songs from different European countries back to life with electro-pop-rock-noise arrangements and free improvisations. They wish to celebrate the beauty and wisdom of this musical heritage that comes to us from different times, countries and performers. They use their three voices, different spoken languages and mix acoustic and electronic instruments.

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Solo harpe celtique et chant, musiques du monde et musiques actuelles

Music has always been a link between cultures and eras. Morgane Neplaz, accompanied by her Celtic harp – as well as other instruments gleaned from her musical experiences – carries us with her voice across borders and generations. The music transports us from traditional French, Sephardic and Balkan songs, to contemporary songs between cumbia and waltz, to her own compositions.

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Several collaborations have taken place in Marseille on musical reading projects led by Henriette Nhung Pertus, Josiane Maudet and Françoise Moissesson until March 2019.

I met Henriette Nhung Pertus during my work on the play “Souffle d’Outre-Ciel” written by Lionel Parrini. We meet from time to time around adaptations of traditional tales.

Our collaboration with Josiane Maudet and Françoise Moissesson began with work on the book “L’Homme Semence” by Violette Ailhaud and has given rise to other projects of musical readings in duo or trio.

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Les Agrions

This project ended in December 2017

The collective “Les Agrions”, – created in November 2016 within the association “Art, Culture, Events” by Elisabeth Pouilly – brings together artists from various backgrounds and explores complementary fields of activity, such as music, dance, literature, and visual arts. This collective has come together with the desire to bring to life contemporary texts that are not well represented, by favouring the link between the different arts and the relationship with the public.

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