Music extracts

You will find here some recordings from different projects in which I have participated. They are also published in the articles about them. Have a good listening!

Three Corbies – Traditional music arrangement trio

  • Le cygne de Monfort

Freikraken – Traditional music arrangement duo

  • Ederlezi

Alone – Celtic harp solo, percussion and singing, world and contemporary music

  • L’envolé
  • Thalassa

Long-term collaborations

Absinthe Kiss – Harp, bass and voice duo, in collaboration with William Kopecky

  • Frontière
  • Somewhere

Môzam’z – Polyphonic singing and harp duo, in collaboration with Elsa Montbel

  • Viene de mi (cover La Yegros)
  • Ederlezi – Cover Goran Bregovic

Occasional musical contributions

  • Music reading on a text by Josiane Maudet – Femme d’argile
  • Experimental improvisation with Syrice Mathéron (guitar) – Vendredi 13
  • Solo improvisation for the company Nowhere Circus – Carnet de voyage


When Nobody is Watching – Une Nuit de Pleine Lune project trailer
Absinthe Kiss – Concert in Le Polygone Étoilé (Marseille)
L’Homme Semence – Reading in La Maréchale (Aix-en-Provence)
Souffle d’Outre-Ciel – Presentation in Vitez Theatre (Aix-en-Provence)
T’es beau – Môzam’z cover Pauline Croze

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